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Setup MaestroKit

MaestroKit is a robust SDK designed to seamlessly integrate event-based functionality into your app. It provides a top-level API for configuration and event management, ensuring that your app can both drive and respond to user interactions efficiently.


  • Ease of Integration: MaestroKit is designed for quick setup at app launch.
  • Event Management: Provides mechanisms to handle events, track playback, and manage UI interactions.

Installing MaestroKit

This guide will walk you through the process of installing the MaestroKit framework for use in your tvOS application.


To add MaestroKit to your tvOS project, choose one of the following methods, based on your preferred dependency management approach.

Swift Package Manager

To add MaestroKit using Swift Package Manager:

  1. Open your Xcode project.
  2. Go to File > Swift Packages > Add Package Dependency.
  3. When prompted with Choose Package Repository Enter the URL for the MaestroKit SDK package: and Click Next.
  4. Choose the desired version rule, or select a specific branch, tag, or commit. Then Click Next
  5. Xcode will resolve the package and present you with options to add the package to your targets.
  6. Make sure your main target is selected and click Finish.
  7. The MaestroKit SDK package will be added to your project.

Updating the Package

If you already have MaestroKit installed in your project and want to update to the latest version:

  1. Go to File -> Packages -> Update to Latest Package Versions

Manual Adding the Framework

To add the MaestroKit framework into your project:

  1. Open your Xcode project.
  2. Select your project's name in the Project Navigator panel.
  3. Choose your project's target in the Project panel that appears.
  4. Choose the General tab.
  5. Scroll down to the Frameworks, Libraries, and Embedded Content section of the General tab.
  6. Click the plus button to add the framework.
  7. In the dialog that appears, click the Add Other... dropdown menu and select Add Files...
  8. Locate the MaestroKit.xcframework file.

Note: Instructions for installing MaestroKit using various dependency managers will be added here.