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The didUpdatePlaybackProgressOfClip(atIndex:to:) method updates the SDK with the current playback progress of a key play clip. The progress value, represented as a Double, ranges from 0 (indicating the start of the clip) to 1 (indicating that the clip has fully played). This method is essential for keeping the SDK informed of real-time playback progress, enabling accurate tracking and synchronization between your app and the SDK.


indexIntThe array index of the key play clip whose playback progress is being updated. This index corresponds to a flattened list of clips.0
progressDoubleThe current playback progress of the clip, where 0 represents the start and 1 represents the end.0.75

Code Example

// Update the SDK with the playback progress of the clip at index 0, setting progress to 75%.
eventInterface.didUpdatePlaybackProgressOfClip(atIndex: 0, to: 0.75)